Track all changes in your solutions
Instantly you can zoom in and pinpoint your attention to what matters!
Check your colleagues work, examine the prototype or clean out code leftovers.
All made easy with FM version.
FM Version allows FileMaker developers to regulary examine the code during the development of your solution, improving the quality of your solution! Gain insight in your solution without having to download your database from your server, just generate an ddr and look at the results. With FM version you can even store a link to the file so you don't have to search for it.
Find changes faster
Save time and improve testing
Rapidly find code leftovers
The process of coding is a creative process, some idea's work some don't. Clean out those 'trial code efforts' and keep you code base in perfect shape.
Share code
Take comfort in the fact your work has been cross-checked and the fact that you did not forget anything.
Rebuild "testcode"
Try something out in a backup and when you're there, only rebuild the needed changes. With FM Version as your guide, so you do not forget anything.
Impress your customer with your changelog
Clear insight in all details, show all changes in a nice looking report.
Ensure customer happiness
Improve customer experience through better releases
Smoother projects
Better insight in versions and less bugs, means no more frustrated customers
Report changes to your customer
So you have been working on a project and someone asks: what's new in this version? This is a difficult question, but now you have the option to send a great looking report with all the details neatly ordered.
Introducing FM Version
FM Version was designed & built by Kempen Automatisering, a FileMaker Platinum partner developer company based in the Netherlands. In the 18 years of building custom FileMaker solutions for a wide array of customers we have recognized that in the current world of software development the way of doing projects is becoming more and more agile.
The speed in which developers can keep ahead of the customer demands and at changes in the industries & tech is paramount. This means short iterations with many small releases compared to building for months and surprising the customer with features that are no longer needed. The release of intermediate updates is what we mean when we call (well not just us) versions. In this interactive new process of building high quality software, the need for a better insight in these versions was born.
FM Version is used by Kempen Automatisering as way of staying sane during the development process. Project managers and product owners have a clear insight in the progress of intermediate versions. Developers can check eachother’s work, focusing only on new additions or changes, saving time and preventing users from having to test the entire system. Bugs can be traced back to their inception and development leftovers can be easily identified and cleaned up, preventing the buildup of technical debt.
After 1,5 years of developing FM Version we have decided to release the first version manager made specifically for FileMaker. We are excited to introduce other developers to FM Version and help them do what we like the most, building awesome software for great clients in a fun and controlled way while learning new skills along the way.

Arendstraat 37
1223 RE Hilversum
The Netherlands
KVK 34169784 0000
E: sales@kempenautomatisering.nl
+31 035 77 30 111
We strive to react within 24 hours on business days.
Open between 9:00 — 20:00.
Monday - Friday UTC/GMT +2 hours